Protection against CGMMV
Rijk Zwaan’s Bon Defense line comprises cucumber varieties with a high resistance against the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a persistent, rapidly and easy spreading threat. These resilient varieties are an essential tool for cucumber growers in their ongoing battle against CGMMV. Bon Defense is part of Rijk Zwaan’s Defense label.

Harvest the benefits of Bon Defense

Higher yield
The lack of virus symptoms ensures a healthier plant giving higher yield.

Better fruit quality
A healthy plant ensures a better fruit quality.

Lower concentration and transmission of CGMMV
The virus multiplies more slowly in resistant plants, resulting in a lower concentration and slowing down its spread between plants.

Peace of mindwith Bon Defense
Bon Defense minimizes the risk of infection with the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), providing significant benefits for both growers and their customers. Thanks to these advantages, Bon Defense varieties offer growers greater peace of mind throughout the entire crop cycle. Bon Defense varieties are available for different regions and come in both Long English and mini types. Why growers choose Bon Defense
Bon Defense minimises the chance of infection with the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), thus offering considerable benefits for growers and their customers. The lack of virus symptoms ensures a higher yield and better fruit quality. Moreover, the much lower concentration of the virus greatly reduces the transmission rate. Thanks to these benefits, the Bon Defense varieties give growers more peace of mind during throughout the crop cycle.
Moreover, a growing number of Rijk Zwaan’s cucumber varieties have this resistance against CGMMV. Bon Defense cucumber varieties are indicated by both the label and the name, which always starts with ‘Bon’, such as Bonbon RZ.

Susceptible versus resistant
CGMMV is spread from plant to plant mechanically, which means that it is transmitted by equipment, tools or people who are working with the crop. A susceptible plant stops growing and dies soon after becoming infected. In contrast, a resistant Bon Defense cucumber variety exhibits few if any symptoms, continues to grow and the level of infection remains very low because the resistance reduces the speed with which the virus multiplies. Moreover, there is a much lower concentration of the virus in the plant, which significantly slows down the spread of the virus from plant to plant.
Although Bon Defense varieties are resistant against CGMMV, they are not entirely immune. Therefore, it is essential to maintain good workplace hygiene in order to minimize the spread, because the Bon Defense variety can still carry the virus and transmit it to other, non-resistant varieties.

Trials revealclear differences
Independent research using Bonbon RZ – one of the first Bon Defense varieties – showed the infection level to be around 95% lower than in a susceptible variety. The study compared the level of infection in this variety against a standard susceptible variety for summer and autumn production in the Netherlands. Large-scale real-life trials and many years of commercial production have since confirmed this. Please contact our office for more information